

things that make us go 'mmmm..'

This recipe is my gramma's and it's the best stuff in the history of EVER.   Americans tend to call these 'potstickers' - but ours aren't boiled or steamed. 

In our recipe they are crispy little pan fried 'bits of deliciousness.'

semi-difficult recipe - cheap ingredients - difficult prep
cook time : various depending on tools
prep time : 30 minutes

This gooey, cheesy comfort food is also known
across the country as 'tater tot casserole.' 
whatever you call it, doesn't matter
it's RIDICULOUS good.

easy recipe  -  quick prep  -  cheap cost
cook time : 30 minutes
VERY MUCH kid approved ! :)

tiny little 'chicken pot pies'
stuffed into tiny little biscuits.
got it ? :) 
pretty good, but I highly suggest replacing
the frozen veggies in this original recipe
with fresh veggies & home made biscuits, instead.
but as it stands - this is VERY EASY :)
easy recipe  -  quick prep - cheap cost
cook time :  15 - 20 mins
VERY kid approved ! :)

I worked at Red Lobster for 2 years and I TOTALLY
approve of these biscuits.
They're legit.
If you close your eyes while eating them, you just might drift off into the land of 1,000 miniature lighthouses, tacky beachside decor and bad 80's 'musak.'
Yup - they're THAT GOOD !!
easy recipe - 5 minute prep
cook time : 11 - 13 minutes

ok fine ... this isn't a recipe. 
sue me.
this simply leads to a post on Christmas treats. 
Rudolph cookies = Gingerbread men upside down
secrets revealed ... aahhhh.

cost : cheap      
prep :  pretty easy, but tedious
time : total prep + cook = 35 minutes
you won't regret making these if you like cheesy, ooey gooey, delicious green sauce enchiladas.  

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